Shriram A.
At Omega, we believe school life is important in itself. It is not simply a preparation for something in the future. Every day of the child’s school life is important and should be looked forward to, with excitement and anticipation.
We acknowledge every child is different and needs change as they grow. Therefore, it is important we know every child, and similarly, every child feels known and cared for. Although all schools should have structure to its operations, we at Omega, work hard to avoid having a ‘fixed menu’, so that we can identify and meet the varying needs of each individual. You won’t be surprised then to hear that ‘well-being’ is our core development strategy.
We are also fully committed to our core values, which underpin everything we do, the way we do it, and ultimately our ethos.
At Omega, learning is dynamic, intensive, motivating and fun. Learning is not just confined to classrooms, but transforming and changing the perceptions of our young people and their lives, through the availability of up-to- date knowledge of the world in which they live. When children arrive at Omega, they will be inspired and enthused to push the boundaries of learning, to engage, to participate and to belong.
Omega is an innovative and forward thinking school. Most importantly, it is a “happy school” with a great spirit and a sense that anything and everything is possible. Our website provides you with just a flavour of the extraordinary number of opportunities here, both within our taught curriculum and beyond. But it is only by coming to visit us, you will truly be able to grasp the positive and energetic learning community that we offer.
Come and see for yourself, a school, repeatedly exhibiting the full value of what we offer. We are most proud of the fact that our graduates are simply ‘good humans’, who are prepared to flourish in, and make a positive contribution to the world ahead of them.
I look forward to welcoming you and showing you our school in action.