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Skype session with Mr Wayne Jacoby ,Director of Global Education Motivators (GEM),

Skype session with Mr Wayne Jacoby ,Director of Global Education Motivators (GEM)

50 students from class XI CBSE, IB Year 1 & AS Level participated in an interaction via Skype with the Director of Global Education Motivators (GEM), Mr Wayne Jacoby and Mr Edmond Mbadu, the Youth Liaison, Philadelphia, PA (USA) on 21st December. GEM is a
non-governmental organization that works in association with the UN Department of Public Information which received the UN Peace Messenger Award in 1989 for its work on behalf of the UN and world peace. GEM co-sponsors the Student Leadership Conference on Development @UN and help schools and the community meet the complex challenges of living in a global society. This was an orientation session held to familiarize the participants of SLCD@UN 2018 from Omega about the various procedures involved in the leadership conference. Mr. Jacoby illustrated on the need for international collaboration and dialogue for solving global problems and how technology can be effectively used for the same without any expenditure. He explained how the participants would prepare themselves for the conference by researching the sub-themes in detail and then through discussion and analysis come up with solutions which would be debated and discussed to prepare a common Plan of Action that is to be presented to the United Nations.

Omega International School will be representing India in the 9th Edition of Student Leadership Conference on Development @United Nations (SLCD@UN 2018) to be held on 19th of February 2018 along with students from countries like USA, Canada, Georgia and Saudi Arabia. This yearโ€™s theme is Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals. Students will be conducting research on the following subtopics: Climate Change and Scientific Solutions, Climate Change Education and Climate Change and Migration.

One of the highlights of the session was the conversation between Mr. P.R. Krishna, Chairman of Omega International School and Mr. Wayne Jacoby, where the chairman extended an invitation to the director of GEM which he gladly accepted. Mr. Jacoby was full of praise for the school that takes up many initiatives for social change and environmental sustainability. The session helped students understand the various requirements that facilitate the conference and aid in developing leadership qualities in students which would help them take up responsibilities in an effective way.

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