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A walk to spot the Olive Ridley Turtle nests

A walk to spot the Olive Ridley Turtle nests

On Feb 23rd and Mar 9th respectively, students from IB and Grade XI of CBSE streams took up a night walkย from Neelangarai beach to Besant Nagar beach, in search of Olive Ridley Sea Turtle nests. During the walk they had the opportunity to identify few of Olive Ridley Sea Turtle nests and witness the process of collecting turtle eggs from nests.ย  The Olive Ridley Sea Turtles come to the city’s beaches between January and April every year for nesting; a practice followed by the turtles for more than a million years.

In recent times, our technological advances have increased the threat to these animals, and several species of sea turtles are critically endangered.ย Through this activity, students have learnt and understood the threat caused to the species by humans and animals, along with the urgency to conserve these endangered species. Our students actively took part in the night walk along with other volunteers, as organized by the Students Sea Turtle Conservation Network [SSTCN] volunteer organisation.

This activity inspired the students and gave them an opportunity to realize and protect the endangered species from external threats.